Meet our President

Board President, Heidi Tanner, moved to Pagosa Springs in 2007 with her husband and 3 children.  During her first year in Pagosa, she learned about the Community Choir and joined to have some fun.  It was Heidi’s first experience singing in a choir, and she had a great time!  Heidi has participated ever since, except for a few years during the Covid 19 pandemic.  Heidi says that, “These many years of singing with the Pagosa Springs Community Choir have increased my technical music skills, but more importantly, have brought me joy and enriched my life.”  In 2022, Heidi joined the board as the Vice President, and in the Summer of 2024, moved up to Board President.    It is her goal as President of the Community Choir to keep this fine community organization moving forward under the guidance of our talented Music Director, Dan Burch, bringing joy to each other and delighting our audiences during the Christmas season!

Meet our Vice President

Board Vice President, Andy Hockman, has sung in numerous churches and vocal groups for over 50 years. During his undergraduate studies, he joined the University of Maryland Chorus, sparking a new appreciation for classical music and singing in larger venues. One intensive year there provided him the opportunity for numerous choral appearances around the nation’s capital, including exposure to international conductors and soloists and multiple concert performances with the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center. Andy is a retired USAF officer and pilot, has an undergraduate degree in Aerospace Engineering and two master’s degrees. Retiring to Pagosa Springs three years ago with his spouse, Audrey, he now sings with choirs at Pope John II and Community United Methodist Church and is a member of the Pagosa Springs Community Choir.

Meet our Director

Choir Director, Dan Burch and his wife, Venita, moved to Pagosa Springs in 2006. Prior to that, they lived in Southern California where they raised their three boys. All three of their sons, along with daughters-in-law and grandchildren, reside in California and Arizona. Dan grew up in Colorado and moved to California to attend college. He completed his B.A. in music and then finished his Masters of Music at Azusa Pacific University. He worked in Huntington Beach as a school music director and church music minister for 26 years. Dan recently retired from Pagosa Springs High School as the music director after 16 years. Currently, both Dan and Venita teach private music lessons in their home studio, Rocky Mountain Music. Dan has been directing the community choir since 2010.  He is also the music minister at Pagosa Bible Church and is involved in various community musical endeavors.

Meet our Accompanist

Choir Accompanist, Venita Burch, was born and raised in Oregon and went to college in California where she received her B.A. in music.  She has played the piano since she was a young girl and has taught piano students for 52 years.  She has accompanied choral and instrumental groups all her adult life and has directed children’s musicals and vocal groups. Venita, along with her husband, Dan, operate a home business, Rocky Mountain Music. Venita teaches piano and voice.  She enjoys preparing vocal students for vocal competitions and auditions. Several of her students have gone on to become very successful in the music field. Venita has been the accompanist for the Community Choir since 2007.  She is also the keyboardist at Pagosa Bible Church.

Meet our Secretary

Board Secretary, Donna Mathews, moved to Pagosa Springs with her husband, Gary, a little over 3 years ago. This will be her 3rd year in the choir and 2nd serving on the Board.  Donna keeps meeting notes, board members and essential contact information, helps with choir registration in the Fall and the choir  party at the end of the season.  And, this year, Donna will be recruiting high school students to join the choir. Donna loves singing and was in a worship band for many years. In her high school years, Donna travelled with 50 other students throughout the US, singing, playing handbells, puppeteering. She also recorded a children’s album entitled “Get on Board.” If she hasn’t met you already, please seek her out at a choir practice so you can talk!  She looks forward to this next season for the choir and serving on the board.

Meet our Treasurer

Board Treasurer, Karla Robinson, a retired teacher, attended Community Choir concerts even prior to actually moving to Pagosa Springs. She herself joined shortly after moving from Denver in 2010. Choral music has been a constant in Karla’s adult life, singing in church choirs and a jazz ensemble. Pagosa Springs Community Choir is filled with some amazingly talented people, of which she is not. But Karla declares "what she lacks in talent, she makes up for in enthusiasm!" 

Meet our Board Member and Wardrobe Manager

Board Member, Celia Medrano, moved to Pagosa Springs from Littleton,  CO in March of 2016. She loves music and has been involved in singing since she was a child.  Celia was in her High School Choir for 4 years and has since participated in several different church choirs. She has loved singing with the Pagosa Springs Community Choir since 2016. Celia has been serving on the PSCS Board in 2018, and she helps to provide, store, order, and organize the wardrobe for the choir, which is certainly no small task! In addition, she helps with registration.

Meet our Board Member

Board Member, Angie Ranson, moved to Pagosa Springs when there was only one stop light in town. She raised her three children here and now has grandchildren in Pagosa. Angie has always had a song in her heart and has sung in many groups over the years, including acapella, and mixed and women’s barbershop choirs. She spent many years singing with various church worship teams as well as teaching children’s guitar and vocals with her small business called, Let’s Play Music. Angie has been involved with the Pagosa Springs Community Choir for 2 years and is now stepping in to help with the choir Board tasks. She is excited to spread the joy and happiness that our choir gives for the Christmas Season!